
YRbk Meeting 17 May

So we had a meeting with Jaclyne today after she had a 1 1/2 hour meeting with Cheryl. Basically its good news all round, though the number of tabs on our mock up may say otherwise. The majority of the changes are just small edits like grammar and spelling, though the copy was copied and pasted so whatever problems we missed when we checked it was there when we were given it.

The only bogie on the radar is Cheryl is still not keen on the second centre spread, though after talking with Jaclyne it seems maybe she just has an issue with that particular students work which wouldn't seem so far fetched to suggest when you consider the constant re-evaluations of content we've had to put up with so far. While this year book cannot be completely objectively collated, as we know from working so closely in a team, Cheryl and the other tutors have consistently been, in my opinion, a little too subjective with the content of the book. We have asked for 5 images from each student and the images of their work the submitted was their own personal choice, so the times when we have been told "this piece of work is not as good as another and should be switched" has been frustrating when we were not ever given images of the suggested works.

Don't get me wrong, I can see how our year book so far has gone really quite a lot smoother than it could've, and considerably more than other groups (from the outside looking in), however the quantity of last minute changes, and their considerable size, has made these past couple of weeks a little frustrating.

But onwards and upwards! It seems to be going well, the majority of the Year Book has been signed off and after these grammatical alterations we'll just need a couple of lines of copy and one image change and we're there!

Plus the small edit to our AWESOME front cover...

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