
Crit Session

So crit happened yesterday. As in it happened too me. I kid of course, it was very productive. Usually in a crit session i get out of it not a lot simply due to the fact that the majority of the feedback i get i already know i need to do, par example "You need to evaluate your blog posts more", which i obviously know i need to do. So it was nice to get a lot of constructive feedback on stuff i hadn't thought of. 

Adam's feedback sheet is first. He likes to be harsh to me because he's the self proclaimed leader of our yearbook team. I'm kidding again, but like I said before a lot of what he said was stuff that I already knew and was going to put into action. These are my notes from the crit:

Firstly the main feedback on the SamplePhonics brief was to finish it off and move on. Everyone said that the amount of work for it is substantial and I need to find a point at which to just stop and do something else.

Secondly for the majority of my briefs I need to research and blog more relevant contextual references for each brief while also finding more general influencing designs. 

Specific feedback for two of my other briefs were to look into more merchandise avenues for the sonic brief and with the Meanwood Valley Urban Farm to make a small change to their (newly developed) website so it ties in more to my app design.

One great piece of feedback was about the yearbook we've been working so much on, which Tim noted that "it's very content driven, with a lot of focus on the work" which is perfect really because thats one of the main principles we've been trying to work to from day one. So that made both Adam and I very happy.

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