
YRbk Proofs from Clive

Had a cracking meeting with Clive from Duffields this morning, where he gave us our full colour proofs! (cue big cheers) Exciting times. Until we turned the front page and saw... a spelling mistake. On the first page. Oh dear.

Anyways so I talked with Fred, then called Clive and he very kindly told us it's fine and we can change it for no extra cost. So it's a simple case of re-doing the page, PDF it and stick it on disc for Clive to collect later today.

Oh and we forgot to put the college's name anywhere on the entire document. Whoops. Rookie mistake. Fortunately, with our extra page to change we can sneakily add the college's name and address to the front page so all is not lost.

Now I think it's fair to say, and Adam will concour, when we first saw the cover - our special glorious concept cover - didn't quite have the impact we had hoped. Now, for me, it's a grower, and I much prefer it now than I did the first time I saw it, and we talked with Joe Gilmore a little about it and the conclusion we came to was that people aren't going to scrutinise it's every detail, and that when we step back from it and be objective it actually stands up very well. Plus the link it will have to the courses end of year show will be more tangible once the show is up and the installation is freestanding.

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