
Inter-dis. Yr Bk Mtg.

Today Adam, Luke and myself had a meeting with the nice folk at Interdisciplinery Art & Design to ascertain their ideas for the year book and where they see it going. We went in with a clear idea of what we wanted to get across, mainly the new format, ideas for budget and to make sure they knew the photography side of things was their deal not ours.

We too our BAGD pitch boards mainly to show the new scales and stocks etc and give an idea of layout for them. What we needed really was a lot of the business decisions made and out of the way so we could concentrate on deadlines and the creative side later. Adam's Magic List Of Questions were:

- How many students are on the course?
- How many pages per student?
- Number of copies required?
- What do you want to get from the yearbook? Promote the course, showcase the talent, portray a unique element that is personal to the course?
- Who is our point of contact after this meeting?
- Materials budget, who is responsible for it, and where is it going to come from

The last one was key, as Adam had come up with a pretty darn good idea for a typographic installation piece for the front cover, an idea which they LOVED i think its fair to say. The plan was to make large letterforms to be painted in white and photographed in a blank studio to form the front cover, with each student maybe getting a letter to do with what they liked for the back cover. They weren't keen on the second part but really liked the first so that looks like the way to go. What got the final seal of approval was the idea this could then form part of an installation for the exhibition, tying the yr book to the course and the final show.

We got the answers we needed to most of the questions, and fortunately the students have already found someone to do portrait photo's and the students themselves are going to be responsible for their own photos of work, and they're very organised with it.

We've set a new meeting for tuesday 1st march, where we'll discuss more fully prices, deadlines, stocks and finishes.

Copy of follow-up email sent to the course leader:

Hi Cheryl,

As discussed during todays meeting (16.00 -14th Feb) Just a couple of
things we should have ready for the next meeting.

We hope you have-

A clear concept of ideas

Deadlines for photography (Ideally before easter, obviously sooner the
better if possible)

Structure of content (student profiles, additional segments, own
events) and a deadline for final copy.

Samples of students work

Samples of found work (designers, artists, print)

Total amount of copies to be produced - emailed to us by Friday 18th or asap

Estimated amount of pages - emailed to us by Friday 18th or asap

We will have -

Stock examples

Print examples

finishing techniques

Estimates for woodwork

A clear structure of our deadlines and commitments

Print estimates

If you have anymore questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to
get in touch.

Kind regards

Dan Boome


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