
Sonic Pixel

My Sega brief was one of the ones i've found trickiest to get going with. I have an idea i think is pretty damn good, but its rather difficult to put either into words or onto paper, as in sketches and stuff. So i've put it off and put it off and not really done anything for it, but i just decided sack it, might as well crack on.

Basically to promote the anniversary of Sonic i want to take elements from the game - characters, objects etc - that are specific to and are representative of Sonic to all the fans out there, 16-bit pixelate them like in the original game, blow it up to large scale and paste it up around town, on walls, billboards etc, and base the rest of the promotion around it. So for example there will be 4ft high sonics (as below) pasted up.

Things to consider -

- Stock...waterproof stock is well expensive but im concerned print on standard stock will run when pasted of in the rain. Need to test.
- Audience...where it's put up affects who will see it
- Objects...it was pointed out to me that some of the things i wanted to do arent that recognisable so to make sure what i chose are recognisable.

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