
YRbk 2nd meeting

So we had a second meeting today with INter Dis, it went really well, we got a lot sorted and i think as long as they keep to the deadlines they've set themselves it should all go rather smoothly. Here's a copy of our overview email to the course tutor:

"Hey guys,

Quick notes on yesterdays meeting (14:30, 28th Feb) –

-       Next meeting arranged for Tuesday 8th March, time to be confirmed (approx. 14:30)

-       Concept titled ‘Creative Imaginings Of Youth And Ignorance’

-       Front cover installation to be made out of card, reducing costs.

-       Approximate 60 pages in book.

-       Each student to present 5-6 chosen images of work ranked in order in original raw files.

-       Written content to be 50-70 words approx.

Quick note about the VAT that was mentioned, we’ve looked into it and have been told it’s not something we need to worry about at this stage as the college is VAT registered and it will all be taken care of after the final submission. So with all the quotes and budgeting we will be doing it’s not an issue.

For next meeting we will have –

-       Stock samples
-       Sample layouts for other pages
-       Treatments for typeface and colours

For next meeting you will have –

-       Test front cover maquette
-       2 students’ profile and work photos
-       Concept profile photos

If you have any more questions or suggestions, please don't hesitate to
get in touch.

Kind regards"

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