
3 Titles - Design Context

A print driven investigation of simplification of image with a focus on information graphics

1. Technical Process
2. Preparing for print
3. Speciality finishes
4. Stocks & inks & the environmental impact
5. Display of information
6. Icons
7. Signs & directions
8. Categorising and ordering information
9. Use of shapes and colour
10. Ease of understanding

A layout driven investigation of movie culture with a focus on type as image

1. Grids & grid patterns
2. Distribution of type
3. Form & format
4. Underground & indie film-making
5. Short films
6. Movie critique
7. Meaning within film & mis en scene
8. Rise of DVD
9. Changing form
10. Hidden messages

A distribution & delivery investigation of video games with a focus on message & it's meaning

1. Context
2. Methods & forms
3. Structure
4. Youth gaming culture
5. Rise of online content & gaming
6. Narrative & story
7. Characterisation
8. Context of message
9. Delivery & understanding message
10. Hidden messages & the subconcious

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