
Long Briefs

I've looked up a few more briefs and my list so far looks like this:

B1 - Meanwood Valley Urban Farm (dead, map&inforgraphics)
B2 - SEGA (competition, event&promotion)
B3 - SamplePhonics (live, logo&identity)
B4 - Finding Pluto (self, publication & infographics)
B5 - Yearbook (collaborative, publication)
B6 - Umbro (competition, promotion, type as image)
B7 - Fakery/context (comp/self, type as image, message)
B8 - Oxfam (competition, infoG, image, message)

Currently still writing them but will post the full details and briefs as soon as possible.

The main consideration now, i think, is how much time i expect to give over to each brief, which are long/short/medium, and where i can push the smaller ones into something more substantial. They all seem, to me at least, medium-large, with few small ones so maybe i should find myself a couple of single day briefs to crack out as well.

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