
Meanwood Valley Urban Farm

One brief i wanted to work on last module was for Meanwood Valley Urban Farm, emailed out to us in november. I emailed back but someone had already won the brief (damn you Kate Fenton!), but still it's something i'd like to have a crack at, involving maps and icons etc. Here's the original email:

"Meanwood Valley Urban Farm is a working farm with an emphasis on education and conservation, in one of the most deprived areas of Leeds. We're currently in the process of updating our website and have noticed our current map of the farm is woefully out of date!
We're looking for a student to provide us with a new map to go on the website. It can be in any form they wish, (drawn, computer generated, interactive etc) as long as it is easy to understand!
The website will also seen by a wide range of individuals and corporate companies, (Asda, NPower and Earnst and Young all come to the farm on CSR days) and we can put their name somewhere on the site."

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