
Year Book: Meeting 2

Second team meeting, just concentrating more on the concept and focusing on possible ideas for layout. We've narrowed it down to one word: 'Dedication'. Now trying to extrapolate from there possible applications to images and layout. After some research we're feeling small, unobtrusive text, overlayed onto the images, possibly at 90 degrees. (see context)

We also had a look at a few sample packs and tried to see what kind of stocks etc would be most suitable. We watned a more matt finish to the cover but some of the stocks wefound didnt hold photographs particularily well. However, we did find a silk coated stock that looks really nice without being too glossy, called Regency Satin. We've emailed a printers for a price quote as well, just to text the water.

Quick test with the QR codes, they're well easy to make and easier to use, just trying different sizes on my ancient 3G iPhone, pretty much the worst camera on a smart phone, to see which is the smallest it could pick up. The 20mm was the smallest, any smaller and nothing happened, though even the 20 was difficult. We decided the 25mm would be much more appropriate and easier to use.

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